Online Billing Dictionary -
More than 10,256 Terms and Definitions
Cover | Description |
 | Billing
Dictionary. Over 10,000 of the latest Billing and OSS Terms and Definitions along with
400 diagrams and photographs!!! |
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Book | 628 | $39.95 |
Sample Billing Definitions
Authentication, Authorization, Accounting (AAA)-Authentication, authorization, and accounting are the processes used for validating the claimed identity of an end user or a device, such as a host, server, switch, or router in a communication network. Authorization is the act of granting access rights to a user, groups of users, system, or a process. Accounting is the method to establish who or what performed a certain action, such as tracking user connection and logging system users.
Automatic Call Distribution
(ACD)-ACD is a system that automatically distributes incoming telephone to specific telephone sets or stations calls based on the characteristics of the call. These characteristics can include an incoming phone number or options selected by a caller using an interactive voice response (IVR) system. ACD is the process of management and control of incoming calls so that the calls are distributed evenly to attendant positions. Calls are served in the approximate order of their arrival and are routed to service positions as positions become available for handling calls.
Center-A call center is a facility in which calls are answered and originated, typically between a company and a customer. Call centers assist customers with requests for new service activation and help with product features and services.
Call Detail Record (CDR)-A call detail record that holds information related to a telephone call or communication
Churn-The process of customers disconnecting from one telecommunications service provider. Churn can be a natural process of customer geographic relocation or may be the result of customers selecting a new service provider in their local area.
Churn Management- Churn management is the process of identifying the reasons why customers disconnect from a service or stop buying from a company, assigning a value to customers who churn, and coordinating efforts to keep customers that have worthwhile value.
A clearinghouse is a company or association that transfers billing records and/or performs financial clearing functions between carriers that allow their customers to use each other's networks. The clearinghouse receives, validates and accounts for telephone bills for several telephone service providers. Clearinghouses are particularly important for international billing because they convert different data record formats that may be used by some service providers and convert for the currency exchange rate.
Clearinghouses provide a variety of services, including processing proprietary records (e.g. switch records) into formats understandable by the member carriers' billing systems, validating charges from carriers with intersystem agreements, and extracting unauthorized or un-billable billing records. Clearinghouses transfer messages in a standard format such as exchange message record (EMR), cellular inter-carrier billing exchange roamer (CIBER), or transferred account process (TAP) format. The EMR format is often used for billing records in traditional wired telecom networks and the CIBER and TAP formats are used for wireless networks. The records may be exchanged by magnetic tape or by other mediums, such as electronic transfer or CD-ROM.
Customer Service Representative (CSR)-A company representative who manages customer communication for account inquiries, complaints, follow-up support, or other service related issues.
Data Mining-Data mining is the process of reviewing and analyzing information (data) for the purpose of identifying common characteristics that may be useful for other purposes. Data mining is commonly used in marketing programs to identify people or customers that have specific types of needs or buying patterns.
Around-The process of dialing a phone number via a pay phone via a toll free for freephone access number. Dial around has the effect of reducing the toll charges that may be collected by a pay telephone.
Digital Rights Management
(DRM)-Digital rights management is a system of access control and copy protection used to control the distribution of digital media. DRM involves the control of physical access to information, identity validation (authentication), service authorization, and media protection (encryption). DRM systems are typically incorporated or integrated with other systems such as content management system, billing systems, and royalty management. Some of the key parts of DRM systems include key management, product packaging, user rights management (URM), data encryption, product fulfillment and product monitoring.
Diameter-Diameter is a set of commands and processes that can receive identification information from a potential user of a network service, authenticates the identity of the user, validates the authorization to use the requested service and creates event information for accounting purposes. Diameter protocol is an evolution of Radius protocol.
Double Play-Double play refers to providing of two main services such as voice and data, data and video, or video and data on one network. For cable MSOs, this usually means building out the next generation network to DOCSIS 2.0 specifications, for Carriers this often means building out fibre or VDSL (very fast DSL) networks. Usually it is the larger MSOs and Telecom Carriers that roll out triple play services, and the advantage is that they can sign customers to a bundle of two services, thereby increasing revenue and customer loyalty.
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)-Electronic data interchange is the industry standards or processes used by companies to exchange electronic business documents or data over electronic communication networks. Accepted EDI standards include ANSI X.12, ISO 9735, and CCITT X.435.
Enhanced Telecom Operations Map (eTOM)-Enhanced telecom operations map (eTOM) is a business system structure that allows communication service providers to define, develop, and procure business and operational support systems. The eTOM framework was created by the
Telemanagement forum.
External Data Representation (XDR)-A standard information format that is used to define data that is transferred between networks or network parts. XDR was developed by Sun.
Guiding-Guiding is a process of matching call detail records to a specific customer account. Guiding uses the call detail record identification information such as the calling telephone number to match to a specific customer account.
Incollects-Incollects are call detail records (CDRs) that are received by service provider A from service provider B for services provided by B to A's customers. An example of an Incollect is a roaming record.
Interactive Voice Response (IVR)-IVR is a process of automatically interacting with a caller through providing audio prompts to request information and store responses from the caller. The responses can be in the form of touch-tone(tm) key presses or voice responses. Voice responses are converted to digital information by voice recognition signal processing. IVR systems are commonly used for automatic call distribution or service activation or changes.
Interim Standard 124 Data Message Handler (IS-124)-A standard billing communication protocol that allows for the real time transmission of billing records between different systems. IS-124 messaging is independent of underlying technology and can be sent on X.25 or SS7 signaling links. The development of the standard is primarily led by CiberNet, a division of the cellular telecommunications industry association (CTIA).
Internet Protocol Detail Record
(IPDR)-A data record containing service and usage information related to an IP-based communication session.
Billing-IPTV billing is the process of grouping packet data television service and product usage information for specific accounts or customers, creating invoices, receiving payments, and providing account information to users and customer service agents.
Device-A mediation device is a network component in a telecommunications network that receives, processes, reformats and sends information to other formats between network elements.
Medical Billing-Medical billing is the process of gathering and grouping of health
related service or product usage information for specific accounts or customers, producing and sending invoices, and recording (posting) payments made to customer
Outcollects-Outcollects are charges a network operator sends to other companies for services they provided to customers that are not registered in the local network (such as completing their calls in local networks). Outcollects are
billing records (such as CDRs) that are sent by service provider A to service provider B for services provided by A to B's customers. An example of an Outcollect is a roaming billing record that is sent to the home service provider of a customer that details the usage of the customer for services that were provided by the visited system.
Rating-Rating is a function within the billing system that assigns a rate (cost parameter) to a usage record. Rating typically involves using the originating number or network address, terminating number or destination network address, date the service was used, amount of usage or time period, usage type and tax jurisdiction to determine the initial charge assigned to the usage record. The actual cost of the usage record may be adjusted based on volume discounts or other rate plan considerations.
Time Billing-Real time billing involves the authorizing, gathering, rating, and posting of account information either at the time of service request or within a short time afterwards.
Revenue Assurance-Revenue assurance is reviewing of systems and records that are associated with revenue streams to ensure billable services are correctly recorded and collected..
Outbound Call Center-A call center (group of customer service agents) that originate telephone calls from customers. Outbound call centers (telemarketing centers) are often used by companies to solicit new business or to obtain statistical or other business related information.
Payment Processing-Payment processing is the tasks and functions that are used to collect payments from the buyer of products and services. Payment systems may involve the use of money instruments, credit memos, coupons, or other form of compensation used to pay for one or more order invoices.
Prepaid Billing-Prepaid billing is the process of charging for services
or product usage information from accounts which have value that is already
available for use.
Screen Pop-The automatic display of a screen on a computer monitor that is automatically triggered by an event such as an incoming call or customer selected feature request.
Billing-Telecom billing is the process of grouping telecommunication service or product usage information for specific accounts or customers, producing and sending invoices, and recording (posting) payments made to customer accounts.
Triple Play-Triple play refers to providing of three main services such as data, voice, and video on one network. For cable MSOs, this usually means building out the next generation network to DOCSIS 2.0 specifications, for Carriers this often means building out fibre or VDSL (very fast DSL) networks. Usually it is the larger MSOs and Telecom Carriers that roll out triple play services, and the advantage is that they can sign customers to a bundle of three services, thereby increasing revenue and customer loyalty.
Usage Rating - Usage rating is the assignment of a value to a usage record.
VoIP Billing-VoIP billing is the recording and processing of wireless transmission events for billing purposes.
Wireless Billing-Wireless billing is the recording and processing of wireless transmission events for billing purposes.

details |
to Telecom Billing -
This book explains how companies bill for telephone
and data services, information services, and non-communication
products and services. Billing and customer care systems convert
the bits and bytes of digital information within a network into the
money that will be received by the service provide.

details |
to Wireless Billing -
This book explains how companies bill for wireless voice, data, and
information services. Billing and customer care for wireless systems convert
the measured amounts of services (bytes of digital information transmitted or
information services provided) within a network into the money that will be
received by the service provider. The authors have interviewed and worked with
hundreds of wireless service provider companies to discover the ways wireless
billing systems operate.

details |
Introduction Wireless Systems
This book describers of the key types of wireless systems along with
explanations of their functional parts, basics of radio frequency transmission
and modulation, antennas and radio network operation. You will lean about the
types of wireless services and their approximate service costs along with
market numbers and trends.

details |
to SIP -
This book explains why people and companies are using
SIP equipment and software to efficiently upgrade existing telephone
systems, develop their own advanced communications services, and to
more easily integrate telephone network with company information
systems. This book also provides descriptions of the function parts of
SIP systems and operations.

details |
to Cable TV
This book provides an overview of cable television system technology including
cable modems, digital television, HDTV, along with how cable systems are
converting from analog systems to digital networks so they can offer advanced
services such as ultra broadband, video on demand (VOD) and addressable

details |
Telephony Basics -
This book explains
the fundamentals of IP Telephony systems, available devices, software
applications and the industry VoIP standards. You will learn how using IP
Telephony products and software allows companies to cost-effectively upgrade
and eventually replace existing (legacy) telephone systems with more cost
effective and easy to use telephone equipment.

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Introduction to Data Networks
This book describes data networks and their operation. Learn about hubs,
routers, bridges and gateways and how they are used in PANs, PDNs, LANs, MANs,
and WANs. Discover the operation of Ethernet, Token Ring, FDDI, PON, ATM,
Frame Relay, and the Internet systems and the key types of data services.

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or Perish -
Patent or Perish
explains in clear and simple terms the vital role patents play in enabling
high technology firms to gain and maintain a competitive edge in the knowledge
economy. Patent or Perish is a guide for how to gain and maintain competitive
advantages in the new knowledge based economy.

more details |
Creating RFP'S for IP Telephony Systems-
This book covers the
IPTV RFP development process, unique IPTV system and service requirements, the
contents of RFPs and the overall process for issuing, receiving, evaluation,
and selecting winning responses from RFP responders. A sample outline of a
typical RFP is included.

more details |
Introduction to Wireless LAN -
This book explains the functional parts of a Wireless LAN system, key
technologies it uses, and its basic operation. Explained is the basic
operation of WLAN systems and how the performance may vary based on a variety
of controllable and uncontrollable events. |
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